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The Range Rules are listed below. It is expected that all members will follow the range rules under penalty of loss of membership. JCSSA considers safety to be paramount and expects all members to respect the facility and other members.

1.  Safety is Number 1 at JCSSA. Safety is everyone's responsibility and as a member you are expected to abide by common sense safety rules.

2.  Members are requested to wear their membership badge while using the range.


3.  This is a cold range. Loaded firearms are permitted only in the proper shooting bays while following the proper shooting procedures.


4.  No alcoholic beverages of any kind are allowed on range property.


5.  Shooting hours are from Sunup to Sundown. No shooting after dark.

6.  Eye and ear protection must be worn by shooters and observers while on the range.

7.  Firearms are not to be pointed at any individual under any circumstances. Watch your muzzle.

8.  Firearms shall not be handled when people are downrange. Handguns shall be unloaded and holstered or on the bench with the action open and long guns shall be placed in the rifle rack, unloaded, with the action open until all personnel are behind the firing line.

9.  Targets shall be properly placed so as not to destroy or damage the existing target stands. Free standing target stands may be used if positioned so all rounds go into the berm and do not damage the backstops. No targets shall be placed on the ground at any time. Only proper targets are to be used. No cans, jugs, bottles, etc.

10.  The rifle range is reserved for rifles only, with the exception of speciality long range pistols.

11.  No fully automatic firearms are permitted.

12.  Firing of shotguns is permitted only in the 2 shotgun bays with the exception of slug hunters who may sight in their shotguns on the 50 yard bay only.

13.  The drawing and firing of a handgun from the holster is permitted only if; a) you are a law enforcement officer; b) You are classified in IDPA or USPSA or a recognized similar group; c) you have demonstrated to a Member of the Board the safe handling and use of holstered firearms.

14.  At the discretion of the Match Director, all or parts of the range will be closed for scheduled matches.

15.  No hunting on JCSSA property is permitted.

16.  If you observe anyone violating range rules, acting in an unsafe manner, destroying or defacing property, do not get into a confrontation. Get a license number and/or a picture with your phone and report this to any member of the Board of Directors.


17.  The speed limit is 10 mph or less between the gate and the shooting bays.


18.  Lock the gate behind you each time you pass through. The gate code is on the back or your membership badge and will change each January 1st. Spin the cylinders and make sure the lock is secure. The gate code is considered confidential and may not be given to any other person.

19.  The use of any device that increases the cyclical rate of fire, including but not limited to, bump stocks, crank firing systems, and binary triggers (those that fire on the pull and the release), on any type of firearm is not permitted.

20.  No teaching or instructional classes of any kind shall be held at the range. Members who are certified as instructors may not use the range for instruction to any group. JCSSA is a non-profit, family-oriented facility and shall not be used for unauthorized activities. Teaching your family and guests safe shooting habits and proper use of firearms does not fall under this rule and is permitted and encouraged at all times.

21.  The maximum rifle caliber using smokeless powder is .458; 50BMG is not allowed; 50 AE is allowed only as a pistol round. This rule does not apply to black powder. Armor piercing ammunition is prohibited by state law and may not be used.

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